Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Summer To-Do List

1) Revamp the love nest

Starting with something funky and tribal on the bed...

More flowers (the second one I handpicked from the neighborhood)...

DIY Lamp to add some romance...

2) Revamp me!

Right now my hair is heading in this direction; overgrown, gray and horse-like (and definitely not chic like this model).

Love this color and hairstyle...

Want a pair of colorful jeans...

Find a great dress for the multiple weddings I will be attending...

(I want the opposite of this chick's look...oh English royalty, you can be so strange)

3) Take a class

The Workshop is offering a lot of great classes this summer including fire escape farming and DIY glass jar terrariums. Definitely think both would be fun but am also looking forward to taking a continuing education class for Massage Therapy. Currently trying to find classes in Lomi Lomi (Hawaiian massage), shiatsu, and Thai massage.

4) Last but certainly not least, HUSTLE.

Currently deciding between these two business cards from Moo for building my private massage practice...

Love these for freelance editorial work...

Hope this summer turns out to be a fun yet productive one. And now, your moment of zen...

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