Friday, June 17, 2011

SF's Fixation with Gertrude Stein

Seems like every where you turn in the city, Gertrude Stein is staring at you. With three different exhibits currently going on in the city, she really is everywhere. The SFMOMA, The Contemporary Jewish Museum and The Yuerba Buena Gardens all feature the art-collector, writer and all around nut this year. I LOVED the SFMOMA exhibit and today I am going to the CJM exhibit with a friend. Pretty artsy-fartsy of me eh? Next thing you know, I will be sipping double espressos, wearing costume outfits and chain smoking cigarettes outside of Revolution Cafe with the rest of the Mission brooding art crowd.

I brought home this Matisse print from the SFMOMA a few weeks ago after seeing the exhibit. As soon as I get my grubby paws on a decent (cheap) frame, I might actually hang it.

"I've been rich and I've been poor. It's better to be rich". - Gertrude Stein

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