Monday, June 27, 2011

Musical Round-Up

First installment of the Stern Grove Festival was excellent. Great music, great location (ahhh redwoods, I love you) and great people. You can find my recap for the eventseekr blog here and some photos of the lovely day below.

Our view.

Sharon gettin down!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Bon Bon Bon!

Just purchased tickets to Bon Iver show @ The Greek Theater in Berkeley. Makes me look forward to September even more. Now if they would just start selling day passes to Outside Lands...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dude Stuff

I'm a lover of many manly things and of men for that matter. With Father's Day behind us, I wanted to give a shout out to my favorite "dude stuff". Inspiration: My boo, the epitome of skinny white boy swagger and my pops of course.

Dude Dreamboats.

Great dude present.

Dude stuff refrigerator.


Like a boss.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Wordfeud is like Crack

Wordfeud (the cheaters version of scrabble on your phone). Ya, I love it...and all you strangers are going down!

SF's Fixation with Gertrude Stein

Seems like every where you turn in the city, Gertrude Stein is staring at you. With three different exhibits currently going on in the city, she really is everywhere. The SFMOMA, The Contemporary Jewish Museum and The Yuerba Buena Gardens all feature the art-collector, writer and all around nut this year. I LOVED the SFMOMA exhibit and today I am going to the CJM exhibit with a friend. Pretty artsy-fartsy of me eh? Next thing you know, I will be sipping double espressos, wearing costume outfits and chain smoking cigarettes outside of Revolution Cafe with the rest of the Mission brooding art crowd.

I brought home this Matisse print from the SFMOMA a few weeks ago after seeing the exhibit. As soon as I get my grubby paws on a decent (cheap) frame, I might actually hang it.

"I've been rich and I've been poor. It's better to be rich". - Gertrude Stein

For The Ears

My college friend Tony (now DJ Birdflu) recently made this mix for his sister's wedding. It's called Hubble Caught Me Smiling. It's pretty saucy, check it out.

And for some sweet sounds up in your dome check out the always sexy bearded men of Fleet Foxes.

Literary Ink

I have been seeing an awful lot of words on people lately and it became a topic of discussion at my office among literary peeps. I once considered adding lyrics to my back tattoo (maybe I will someday).

I wonder if this girl is a Kerouac fan?

Dream Dinner Party

Pretty OK view I guess...

This is how I feel at most dinner parties (not that I attend many). Guest #8 would definitely be me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid" - Zappa

I love everything about this video; the artwork, the colors, the animals and even the girl's hipster-prep outfit. Of course, knowing me is knowing my love for Neko Case. So that goes without saying.


Today's preoccupation and distraction is filled with stuff like this...

And some of this...

I want to raid this women's closet, especially for these hats...

Lastly, just thought I would share my one and only celebrity crush in 2011. (Robert Pattinson is far too drippy these days, don't you think?)

People I Wish I Knew

Here is Cat Power hanging out in her Miami apartment. Follow the link to check out more pictures of her looking all normal at home.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The 'Ol Bib & Brace

My love for overalls goes deep and this girl makes them look incredible. Her Brooklyn apartment is also redonk-a-donk. Check it out for yourself here at the always amazing Refinery 29..

This is how its done...

But this makes me equally as happy.

The Real Deal Horse Whisperer

For all the other weird "horse girls" out there. (Shit, I am probably alone in this one)

The Hunt for New Specs

Finding cheap (non-granny) glasses is no easy task but luckily I stumbled upon Warby Parker. You can have 5 pairs shipped to you to try for free! I plan on getting sloshed and having a specs party with my friend Korrena to decide which pair will win (the booze will keep her honest).

Interesting DIY Project

This is the type of project I look at and immediately want to tackle (found here). Then I have the sad realization that this lamp would take up way too much room in my tiny apartment. Another DIY project in the holding tank until I win the lottery or move to a bigger apartment (neither happening anytime soon).

Movie Night in Dolores Park this Saturday

Nothing says romance like a cheap bottle of wine, raggidy blanket and Caddyshack. I will be sure to wear multiple layers : )

Just last week

I left my heart in Vermont...

And with this rare breed of cuteness

You can find me here. Every. Sunday.

Stern Grove Festival kicks off this Sunday! The first in a summer series of incredible free shows is Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings! Will post my own pics if I can stop dancing long enough to snap some.

The Mission version of "flossin"

Paris Paris, SF SF

Paris Paris by Alexandra Sophie
Paris Paris, a photo by Alexandra Sophie on Flickr.

I need to find a perch like this.

The best video you will watch all year. Guaranteed.

Meet the sloths from Lucy Cooke on Vimeo.